Rishinjuku Karate 12+
Ghost kickboxing
Rishinjuku Karate 8+
Rishinjuku Karate volwassenen
Striking for mma (kickboxing/karate)
Grappling (No Gi, Bjj fundamentals)*
G karate (Fysieke beperking)
Rishinjuku Karate Sparren (iedereen)
Grappling (No Gi, Bjj fundamentals)*
Fundamentals door Yaro
Adult registration form and prices: CLICK HERE
Youth registration form and prices: CLICK HERE
Filip Swennen
BE52 7340 3800 4609
Stay in touch
Our son Ruyz was bullied at school. The moment he was physically attacked, Filip took him aside to learn some techniques so that he could defend himself.
In a short time, he clearly knew how to defend himself and was extremely proud that he could handle those other boys. And this without actually using violence himself.
Afterwards you could see how an eight-year-old boy blossomed and gained confidence. You could tell by his being, the way he straightened his shoulders and so much more.
We are very happy that both of our sons are happy to attend the lessons and will be able to defend themselves in the future if necessary.
Carlos and Lies
“At SF Dojo, Filip is truly committed to improving the lives of others through martial arts (mainly traditional karate). Whether it’s a journey from crisis to success, or from enthusiasm to performance, he follows up on each student’s progress and comes up with personalised solutions. Empowering and toughening knowledge about martial arts is also available in the dojo’s library, available for whoever wants to deepen his/her study. Highly recommended traditional karate dojo with everything you need: weightlifting area, excellent martial arts equipment, rich library and a relaxing lounge with drinks.”— Andrei PhD.